Nederlandse Kastelenstichting - kenniscentrum voor kasteel en buitenplaatsNederlandse Kastelenstichting - kenniscentrum voor kasteel en buitenplaatsNederlandse Kastelenstichting - kenniscentrum voor kasteel en buitenplaats

Das Burgenschloss König Ludwig II. auf dem Falkenstein 

- ein `kaum existierendes Kunstwerk`

Adina Christine Rösch

The most recent publication by Deutsche Burgenvereinigung in the frame of their series Forschungen presents a detailed discussion of one of the most ambitious construction plans of Ludwig II., the Fairy Tale King: the `Burgschloss` Falkenstein in Bavaria. Designed as site of brimming splendour and expression of the king`s creative power but never completed, Falkenstein has always remained a rather mysterious study object. Thanks to extensive research of the surviving sources like concept paintings, structural plans and correspondence, this work finally manages to present a thorough research report on Ludwig`s plans. The text not only presents the reader with an overview of the different planning stages, but also sets them into context with contemporary interpretations of the past. Falkenstein is established as an epitome of 19th century fashion of `reconstructing` a idealised version of a castle on the site of a ruin. Numerous themes from fiction and preceeding architectural eras were used, but Ludwig`s main focus clearly lays on models from Byzantine architectural and interior style to create a building that would be worthy of the king`s fantastic standing.

Das Burgenschloss König Ludwigs II. auf dem Falkenstein manages to present the obviously historicising construction plans as an exemplary usage of `heritage`, meaning the use of the past in the present. It skilfully reveals the power of architecture and of art in general to tell us more about the king`s self-perception and outward representation as a ruler. Even though Falkenstein can be seen as an `artwork that merely exists`, it still tells a powerful story about the Fairy Tale King and his look on the world.

ISBN: 9783927558410  

Rösch, Adine Christine. Das Burgenschloss Ludwig II. auf dem Falkenstein - ein kaum existierendes Kunstwerk`. Deutsche Burgenvereinigung Reihe A: Forschungen, Band 18. Braubach: Deutsche Burgenvereinigung e.V., 2016.

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